Your feedback is essential. The idea of this blog is to reflect, listen and learn. I write what I am thinking and what conclusions I have, what I learned and how I am using this. Then life happens, I learn more, change my perspective and at one point might even find the time to update the initial post to include what changed, evolved.
AND I’d like to hear from you to involve your ideas, knowledge, view point into the process.
What’s your perspective? What resonated? Where do you disagree and why? What’s your learning? What did I get wrong, oversee, twist? Let me know.
I’ll update the posts with my learnings and, of course, the sources—your input! Please let me know, I only see the world from a tainted and limited angle, and I need you to see more and better, and your experience is appreciated.
This is how you can contact me. Please do me a favour, and do it via email/ this contact form. That’s the most reliable way to get in touch. I go on holiday, and my phone is silent, but I regularly check my emails and do not want to miss out on your message. 🙂
If you want to contact me because I stepped on your toes, be assured that it wasn’t my intention. I also know that a good intention is not an excuse or justification. Let’s talk! I am happy to listen, understand, learn and do better. <3
It might have been my attention though if you hold racist, fascist, populist, dehumanizing views.
And there’s this legal disclaimer that I think is quite obvious: I am not responsible for the page’s content that I linked to from here, and a link isn’t necessarily an endorsement either. Context is everything, and while I work hard on being gracefully accountable for my words, actions and judgements, I can’t be held accountable for others. Use your critical thinking and question my posts, and please do so on other pages as well.

I am looking forward to getting in touch via email. Much love to you!
Stay happy, healthy and safe.
AI – ChatGPT, Midjourney, Deepl, Grammarly and all the other stuff
Regarding the use of “AI” my English articles are edited with the help of Grammarly language tool. For German, I am not using any plugin – that’s why there you are stuck with all the comma and spelling mistakes.
I am used midjourney for images, but it’s too expensive for my use case, so I play around with other tools. AI generated images are marked as such, and the initial prompt is often also added.
Should I start playing around with the ChatGPT or something similar, I’ll mark it accordingly. But based on my experiences with midjourney personal use isn’t where it’s used efficiently. After all, I am reflecting here on my experiences and learnings as a human in relation to the world and my own history. Let’s hope that’s unique enough not to be fully guessed by a stochastic parrot. We’ll see.