Holding myself accountable for another year. Well, I didn’t sell any avocado seed jewelry so there’s nothing to donate from that income stream. But I do have a job. Like last year I aimed to donate what arrives in my bank account from a month’s salary. I did that plus 350€ more.
In 2022 in total I donated more than a one month salary.
Here are some of the donations I made
- Dhamma.org 500€
- UNICEF 300€
- Medicos sin fronteras 300€
- Sea-Watch (supporting member) 300€
- Open-Arms 200€
- Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung (supporting member) 120€
- BUND Hamburg (supporting member)
- Amnesty International 80€
- Several smaller donations to a wide range of initiatives
Somethings I still calculate in but technically aren’t donations are
- Kiva
- Patreon for example, Sonya Renee Taylor, Mastodon, Amanda Palmer, No White Saviours or Working Class History
What are your thoughts? Do you have a “donation strategy or goal? Share your ideas directly with me!