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My Diverse Reading List 2024

Illustration of a white haired older person sitting and reading within piles of books - created with midjourney

Take that New Year’s resolution: Year 5 with my public reading list.
Find the last editions here: the 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020 diverse reading list with summaries, insights, stats, and recommendations for those years. Generally speaking: Having read a book is NOT an endorsement.
As I already wrote last year: I talked enough about the intention in the last editions, and I have little to add, so let’s start a new year, acknowledging that I will never know everything, but I can keep learning.

Do you have tips, authors, or books you think I should read or how to do the stats better? Please send me a message!
berta @

Wo es keinen Konflikt gibt, kann es nur Einsamkeit geben. [Where there is no conflict, there can only be loneliness.]

Şeyda Kurt – Hass [hate]

Books read in 2024

  • January
  • Melina Borčak – Mekka hier, Mekka da. Warum wir über antimuslimischen Rassismus sprechen müssen
  • Aladin El-Mafaalani – Wozu Rassisimus?
  • Şeyda Kurt – HASS. Von der Macht eines widerständigen Gefühls
  • Paul Watzlawick – Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein
  • February
  • Maja Göpel – Unsere Welt neu denken
  • Véronique Bergen – Anarchismus: Libertäre Theorie und Praxis
  • Sovia Szymula – fluide
  • Kohei Saito – Systemsturz
  • March
  • Edith Bruck – Das barfüßige Mädchen
  • Nghi Vo – The Empress of Salt and Fortune
  • Heidi Kastner – Dummheit
  • Svenja Hofert – Business Slowdown
  • Nghi Vo -When the tiger Came Down the Mountain
  • Seanan McGuire – Every Heart a Doorway
  • Yolanda García Hernández, Mario Martín Gijón – Réquiem por un Torero
  • April
  • Maria Ressa – How to stand up to adictator
  • Nghi Vo – Into the riverlands
  • Nghi Vo – Mammoths at the gates
  • Jean-Philippe Kindler – Scheiß auf Selflove, gib mir Klassenkampf
  • May
  • Seanan McGuire – Down among the sticks and stones
  • Seanan McGuire – Come tumbling down
  • Dr. Navid Kermani, Natan Sznaider – Israel
  • Canan Topçu – Nicht mein Antirassismus
  • June
  • Seanan McGuire – Beneath the sugar sky
  • Seanan McGuire – In an absent dream
  • July
  • Viola Davis – Finding me
  • DUNE: The Graphic Novel, Book 2: Muad’Dib
  • DUNE: The Graphic Novel, Book 3: The Prophet
  • Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda – Monstress 8 Inferno

The stats so far

  • Everybody else/white, hetero cis-Men 24/5
  • Art or Graphic Novel/Non-Fiction/Fiction or Poetry 3/15/11
  • Paper/e-reader/Audiobook 5/0/24
  • The language I read/ heard the book in German/English/Spanish 17/11/1

Diverse reading list: Books I’d like to read

Book already bought

  • Eleonora Roldán Mendívil & Bafta Sarbo (Hrsg.) – Die Diversität der Ausbeutung
  • McKenzie Wark – Capital Is Dead: Is This Something Worse?
  • Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff – Black Joy
  • Peter Bierl – Einmaleins der Kapitalismuskritik
  • Valeria Bruschi & Moritz Zeiler (Hrsg.) – Das Klima des Kapitals
  • Thomas Piketty – Sozialismus der Zukunft
  • Thích Nhất Hạnh – The art of power

Library Audiobook available

  • Frank Ostaseski – The Five Invitations: What the Living Can Learn From the Dying
  • Robert Jones Jr. – The Prophets
  • Sheila de Liz – Woman on Fire
  • Paulo Freire – Pedagogy of the Oppressed
  • Ocean Vuong – On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous
  • Juli Zeh – über Menschen
  • Joan Halifax – Standing at the Edge: Finding Freedom Where Fear and Courage Meet
  • Paul Mason – Postkapitalismus


  • Gustav Landauer
  • Judith Butler
  • Manon Garcia – We aren’t born submissive
  • Paul B. Preciado – Kontrasexuelles Manifest
  • Suzette Haden Elgin – Native Tongue
  • Sabine Bode – Kriegsspuren
  • Pohl, Rolf: Feindbild Frau – Männliche Sexualität, Gewalt und die Abwehr des Weiblichen.
  • Aladin El-Mafaalani – Wozu Rassismus?
  • Elvia Wilk – Oval or Death by Landscape
  • Emily M. Danforth – Plain Bad Heroines
  • Alok Vaid-Menon – Beyond the gender binary
  • Francis Seeck & Brigitte Theißl – Solidarisch gegen Klassismus
  • Nick Kolenda – Methods of Persuasion: How to Use Psychology to Influence Human Behavior
  • Dilek Güngör – Vater und ich
  • Rae Johnson – Embodied Activism
  • Erin Morgenstern – The Starless Sea: the spellbinding Sunday
  • Leonora Carrington – The Hearing Trumpet
  • Penélope Bagieu – Valerosas 2 : mujeres que solo hacen lo que ellas quieren
  • Nalo Hopkinson – So Long Been Dreaming: Postcolonial Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • Alexis Lothian – Old Futures: Speculative Fiction and Queer Possibility
  • Diane di Prima – Recollections of My Life as a Woman
  • Saul D. Alinsky – Call Me a Radical: Organizing and Empowerment

Comic books/ Graphic novels

We have 2 series we are following. I am trying to stick to the rule of only having 5. We can only start a new one once we officially stop another, preferably when the story is finished.

  • Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda – Monstress
  • Darcy Van Poelgeest, Ian Bertram – Little Bird

Courses to take/ Groups to participate in

Books aren’t the only way to develop a better understanding of the world, so I’ll list some talks, courses, and groups I am engaged in or plan on being engaged in.

Currently, actively engaged

